Überraschende Ansichten der Erdölindustrie zum Klimawandel: Die Mehrheit der Beschäftigten glaubt noch immer, der Mensch wäre an allem Schuld

Mitte Juni 2014 veröffentlichte Warren Business Consulting das Ergebnis für 2014 einer alljährlichen Umfrage zum Klimawandel. Fast 57% der Befragten glauben immer noch, dass die Erwärmung der letzten Jahrzehnte „überwiegend durch den Menschen“ verursacht wurde. Dies ist umso verwunderlicher, da sich die Umfrage vor allem an Beschäftigte aus der Erdölindustrie richtete. Offensichtlich fehlt es vielen Menschen immer noch an unabhängigen Informationen. Der Inhaber von Warren Business Consulting, Angus Warren, erklärte sich daraufhin bereit, kurze Gastbeiträge zum Klimawandel auf seiner Webseite zu veröffentlichen. Hier ein Auszug:

The Forgotten Sun: Climate Catastrophe is Called Off

Failure to comprehensively examine all the drivers of climate change may produce a falsified fear of a dangerously overheated planet.

By Sebastian Lüning

A well-known natural cold phase shaped the climate of our planet between the 15th to 19th centuries. This so-called ‘Little Ice Age’ ended around 1850 which accidentally coincides with the beginning of the industrial age. Average global temperatures have risen by 0.8°C since then. Notably, the warming has paused for the last 16 years. When speaking about ‘global warming’, very people are aware of the fact that our reference value for the warming does not represent a neutral, longterm average temperature but the extreme cold of the Little Ice Age.

The lack of historical and geological perspective also leads to a number of other misunderstandings. For many years it was suggested that the pre-industrial temperature and extreme weather history before 1850 might have been monotonous and stable. Meanwhile, a large number of palaeoclimatological and geological studies have comprehensively demonstrated that this model can no longer be upheld. Over the past 10,000 years, temperatures and extreme weather have been continously fluctuating, following milennial, centennial and multi-decadal natural cycles. While some of these changes are driven by auto-cyclical processes originating in the climate system itself, other fluctuations are clearly linked to external drivers, namely solar activity changes.

A large number of scientific papers point to a much strong involvement of solar-driven climate change than previously assumed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Is it pure coincidence that the 20th century warming occurred at a time when the solar magnetic field more than doubled and during the second half of this period reached an activity level that has rarely been achieved over the last 10,000 years? It is further demonstrated that prominent Atlantic and Pacific ocean cycles (AMO, PDO) with periods of about 60 years modulate the longer term temperature development and between 1977-1998 have led to an amplified temperature increase which the IPCC has mistaken as a long-term warming rate.

Weiterlesen auf warrenbusinessconsulting.com.

Ein weiterer Klimabeitrag auf der Webseite stammt von Peter Franklin („Climate Change and the Law of Unintended Consequences„).