Tagung der Gelogical Society zur natürlichen Klimavariabilität der letzten 12.000 Jahre (London, 4./5. April 2013)

Am 4. und 5. April 2013 richtet die Londoner Geological Society in der britischen Hauptstadt eine Tagung zur natürlichen Klimavariabilität der letzten 12.000 Jahre aus. Aus der Ankündigung des Veranstalters:

The Geological Society is pleased to announce a forthcoming conference on Holocene climate change. The conference will examine high frequency climate changes reflected in the geological record, and the pacings of change and their geological consequences, during the Holocene – the past 11,700 years. The conference will cover ocean change, sea-level variability, terrestrial change, ice core change, the modelling of any or all of these, and the interaction between climate and humans; and keynote speakers include Graeme Barker, Ian Hall, Anthony Long, Ulysses Ninnemann, Paul Valdes, Bo Vinther and Heinz Wanner. Registration is now open and there are a limited number of travel and accommodation grants available. The deadline for grant applications is 28 February. For further information visit www.geolsoc.org.uk/holocene13.