Neues Zentrum in Schweden zur Erforschung von Klimaleugnern eingerichtet

Die schwedische Chalmers University of Technology eröffnete kürzlich ein wichtiges neues Zentrum zur Erforschung des Klimawandels. Das Zentrum trägt den wohklingenden Namen CEFORCED, was für Centre for Studies of Climate Change Denialism steht. Erfoscht werden sollen alle Arten des irrigen Widerstandes gegen die vorherrschende Klimaalarm-Denkrichtung. Wie kann es sein, dass noch nicht alle Wissenschaftler und Bürger gleichgeschaltet sind und sich noch immer gegen die Katastrophenszenarien und die daraus folgende Große Transformation sträuben?

Das Zentrum wird vierzig weltbekannte Leugnerjäger zusammenführen, die gemeinsam nach Geistesdefekten bei Klimaskeptikern suchen werden. Traditionell handelt es sich bei den Leugnern um alte Männer aus dem Bereich der Ölindustrie, erläutert das Zentrum. CEFORCED wird aber auch an anderer Stelle nach Leugnern suchen. Gerade in der heutigen Zeit der Aufklärung ist es besonders wichtig, dass Abweichler systenatisch identifiziert und katalogisiert werden. Die Zeiten von Kritik – egal ob berechtigt oder unberechtigt – sollten nun endlich der Vergangenheit angehören. Es ist unklar, ob CEFORCED auch in der Technologieentwicklung tätig wird. Vorstellbar wären neue Methoden der Gehirnwäsche, um einen endgültigen Klimakonsens einzuleiten.

Hier die Meldung, in der die Chalmers University of Technology am 21. August 2018 ihr großartiges neues Zentrum der Weltöffentlichkeit vorstellt:

Centre for Studies of Climate Change Denialism (CEFORCED)

With Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, as a hub, the world’s first global research network looking into climate change denial has now been established. 

Scientific and political awareness of the greenhouse effect and human influence on the climate has existed for over three decades. During the 1980s, there was a strong environmental movement and a political consensus on the issue, but in recent years, climate change denial – denying that changes to the climate are due to human influence on the environment – has increased which makes the case for understanding why this is so.   

The comprehensive project: “Why don’t we take climate change seriously? A study of climate change denial”, is now collecting the world’s foremost researchers in this area. In the project, the network will examine the ideas and interests behind climate change denial, with a particular focus on right-wing nationalism, extractive industries, and conservative think tanks. The goal is to increase understanding of climate change denial, and its influence on political decision-making, but also to raise awareness among the general public, those in power, research institutes, and industry. 

Right-wing nationalism’s links to climate change denial are a relatively unresearched topic, but Environmental Sociology recently published an article where Hultman and his research colleagues show the connections between conservatism, xenophobia, and climate change denial, through a study in Norway.  

Through the new research project, a unique international collaborative platform for research into climate change denial, Centre for Studies of Climate Change Denialism (CEFORCED), will be established, which will connect around 40 of the world’s foremost scientific experts in the area and pave the way for international comparisons. The platform builds upon the world’s first conference in the subject, which Hultman and Professor Riley Dunlap of Oklahoma State University organized in 2016.

An important foundation of the project will be a broad, interdisciplinary view of climate change denial, linking together different disciplines such as geopolitics, environmental psychology, technological history, environmental sociology, gender research, environmental history, energy policy, environmental humanism and technology and science studies. 

“We do not dismiss climate change denial as something limited to, for example, powerful, older men with strong connections to the fossil-fuels industry – even if such organized groups do play important roles. Knowledge of climate change and its causes has been around for a long time, so firstly, we also need to understand the type of reactions and everyday denials that explain why we don’t take the greenhouse effect seriously – even when we see the consequences in front of our eyes.”

Three main focuses

  • Right-wing nationalism:The project will map right-wing nationalist parties in Europe and their arguments around climate change denialism. Among other things, Twitter and other internet discussion groups will be analyzed.
  • Extractive industries:The project will undertake a historical investigation into Sweden’s extractive industries –what they have learned about climate change, and how they have acted, as well as connecting knowledge to international studies into the debate.
  • Conservative think tanks:The project maps out how conservative thinktanks in Sweden analyze and communicate around climate, as well as their connections to lobby groups of similar character.

Weiterlesen bei Chalmers University of Technology

Wer gehört jetzt zu den 40 Leugnerjägern? Im Artikel taucht Literatur von Naomi Oreskes auf. Sie ist eine lupenreine Aktivistin. Leiter des Zentrums ist Martin Hultman. Hier sind vier seiner neuesten Papers:

Krange, O. Kaltenborn, B.& Hultman, M. (2018). “Cool Dudes in Norway: Climate Change denial among conservative Norwegian Men”, Environmental Sociology.

Hultman, M., Björk A. & Viinikka, T. (upcoming publication). “Far-right and climate change denial. Denouncing environmental challenges via anti-establishment rhetoric, marketing of doubts, industrial/breadwinner masculinities enactments and ethno-nationalism.”. In Contemporary Environmental Communication by the Far Right in Europe ed. Forchtner, Kølvraa & Wodak London: Routledge.

Anshelm, J., & Hultman, M. (2014). A green fatwā? Climate change as a threat to the masculinity of industrial modernity, NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies, 9(2), 84-96.
Anshelm, J., & Hultman, M. (2014). Discourses of global climate change: apocalyptic framing and political antagonisms, Routledge, London.

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