Mojib Latif bedauert, dass CO2-Gehalt der Luft nicht wie vergiftete Lebensmittel wirkt

Red Teams“ sind Expertengruppen, die Ergebnisse anderer Teams unabhängig prüfen. In der Wirtschaft ist dies ein gängiges Verfahren, um Fehlerquellen auszuschließen. In den USA werden nun Stimmen laut, auch in den Klimawissenschaften Red Teams zu formieren, um strittige Punkte der Klimadebatte zu überprüfen. berichtete am 30. März 2017:

Experts call for creation of ‚red teams‘ to challenge climate science

Prominent scientists operating outside the scientific consensus on climate change urged Congress on Wednesday to fund „red teams“ to investigate „natural“ causes of global warming and challenge the findings of the United Nations‘ climate science panel.

The suggestion for a counter-investigative science force – or red team approach – was presented in prepared testimony by scientists known for questioning the influence of human activity on global warming. It comes at a time when President Donald Trump and other members of the administration have expressed doubt about the accepted science of climate change, and are considering drastic cuts to federal funding for scientific research.

A main mission of red teams would be to challenge the scientific consensus on climate change, including the work of the United Nations‘ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, whose reports are widely considered the authority on climate science.

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Die Arizona State University berichtete am 1. März 2017 über antarktische Hitze-Temperaturrekorde. Überrasschenderweise kommt der Rekord nicht aus dem aktuellen Jahr, oder dem aktuellen Jahrzehnt, sondern stammt aus dem Jahr 1982:

World Meteorological Organization verifies highest temperatures for Antarctic region

ASU climate expert, WMO rapporteur talks about importance of such verification

The World Meteorological Organization announced Wednesday new verified, record high temperatures in Antarctica, an area once described as “the last place on Earth.” The temperatures range from the high 60s (in Fahrenheit) to the high teens, depending on the location they were recorded in Antarctica. Knowledge and verification of such extremes are important in the study of weather patterns, naturally occurring climate variability and human-induced change at global and regional scales, said Randy Cerveny, an Arizona State University professor of geographical science and urban planning and the Rapporteur of Climate and Weather Extremes for the WMO. “The temperatures we announced today are the absolute limit to what we have measured in Antarctica,” Cerveny said. “Comparing them to other places around the world and seeing how other places have changed in relation to Antarctica gives us a much better understanding of how climate interacts, and how changes in one part of the world can impact other places.”  Because Antarctica is so vast (it is roughly the size of the United States) and varied the WMO committee of experts, convened by Cerveny, provided three temperature measurements for the Antarctic.

The highest temperature for the “Antarctic region” (defined by the WMO and the United Nations as all land and ice south of 60-deg S) of 19.8 C (67.6 F), which was observed on Jan. 30, 1982, at Signy Research Station, Borge Bay on Signy Island. The highest temperature for the Antarctic Continent, defined as the main continental landmass and adjoining islands, is the temperature extreme of 17.5 C (63.5 F) recorded on Mar. 24, 2015 at the Argentine Research Base Esperanza located near the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. The highest temperature for the Antarctic Plateau (at or above 2,500 meters, or 8,200 feet) was -7 C (19.4 F) made on Dec. 28, 1980, at an automatic weather station site D-80 located inland of the Adelie Coast.

The Antarctic is cold, windy and dry. The average annual temperature ranges from -10 C on its coasts to -60 C (14 F to -76 F) at the highest points in the interior. Its immense ice sheet is about 4.8 km (3 miles) thick and contains 90 percent of the world’s fresh water, enough to raise sea levels by around 60 meters (200 feet) if it were all to melt. Cerveny said that observing the extremes of what the Polar Regions are experiencing can provide a better picture of the planet’s interlinked weather system. “The polar regions of our planet have been termed the ‘canary’ in our global environment,” Cerveny said. “Because of their sensitivity to climate changes, sometimes the first influences of changes in our global environment can be seen in the north and south polar regions. Knowledge of the weather extremes in these locations therefore becomes particularly important to the entire world. The more we know of this critically important area to our environment, the more we can understand how all of our global environments are interlinked.”  Cerveny said an additional benefit is understanding how those extremes were achieved. “In the case of the Antarctic extremes, two of them were the result of what are called ‘foehn’ winds — what we call Chinook winds — very warm downslope winds that can very rapidly heat up a place. These winds are found even here in the United States, particularly along the front range of the Rockies. The more we learn about how they vary around the world, the better we can understand them even here in the United States. Full details of the Antarctic high temperatures and their assessment are given in the on-line issue of Eos Earth and Space Science News of the American Geophysical Union, published on March 1, 2017.


Auch der Dauervortragende Mojib Latif braucht einmal Erholung. Dafür schiffte er sich (vermutlich) kostenfrei Ende Februar 2017 an Bord der AIDAsol ein, wo er als Klimageschichtenerzäher vor den Kanaren das Kreuzfahrtpublikum mit Klimaalarm-Stories unterhaltsam gruselte. Latif genoss die Freifahrt laut Pressemitteilung sichtlich:

„Ich fühle mich sehr willkommen an Bord. Ich möchte den Gästen verdeutlichen, wie einmalig unsere Erde ist. Wir müssen anders auf unserem Planeten leben und es schaffen, intelligenter mit den begrenzten Ressourcen umzugehen“, so Latif. Für AIDA Gäste gibt es 2017 erneut sehr abwechslungsreiches Entertainment auf See zu erleben. Nicht nur das Schiff und die Destinationen prägen den Urlaub einer AIDA Kreuzfahrt, sondern auch das mehrfach preisgekrönte Entertainmentprogramm an Bord. Weit mehr als 20 prominente Moderatoren, Schauspieler und Bestseller-Autoren aus Film, Fernsehen und Theater werden 2017 an Bord mit ihren unterhaltsamen und spannenden, lustigen und bewegenden Lesungen begeistern. Darunter befinden sich unter anderem TV-Moderatorin Bettina Tietjen, die preisgekrönte Kriminal- und Drehbuchautorin Elisabeth Hermann, Bestsellerautorin und Sängerin Hera Lind und NDR Talkshow-Moderator und Produzent Hubertus Meyer-Burkhard.

„Lustig“ ist Latif auf jeden Fall. Vor Schülern des Karl-Maybach-Gymnasiums in Friedrichshafen hatte er ein paar Tage vor dem Ablegen der Aida offenbar gesagt, er bedauere, dass der CO2-Gehalt der Luft nicht wie vergiftete Lebensmittel wirke. Damit hat sich Latif selbst endgültig disqualifiziert. Ein Fall für den Schulrat!


Neues zum Dokumentarfilm „The Uncertainty Has Settled“. Der Film kommt nun im Selbstverleih in deutsche Kinos. Hier eine Liste der bislang terminierten Vorstellungen (es kommen ständig neue hinzu, siehe hier):

Stendal, 19.4. – 20:00h & 23. 4.-11:00h

Köln, 26.4. – 19:45h

Lauterbach/Hessen, 29.4. – 20h

Potsdam, 30.4. – 20:45