Die in London beheimatete Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) setzt sich seit fünf Jahren für ein realistischeres Bild der Klimafrage in der Öffentlichkeit ein. Auf ihrer Webseite beschreibt die GWPF ihre Zielsetzung:
We are an all-party and non-party think tank and a registered educational charity which, while open-minded on the contested science of global warming, is deeply concerned about the costs and other implications of many of the policies currently being advocated. We are in no sense ‘anti-environmental’. There is a wide range of important environmental issues, which call for an equally wide range of policy responses. Our concern is solely with the possible effects of any future global warming and the policy responses that may evoke.
Nun ist Fritz Vahrenholt in den Akademischen Beirat der GWPF eingetreten. In einer Pressemitteilung teilte die Foundation am 14.7.2014 mit:
The Global Warming Policy Foundation is pleased to announce that Professor Fritz Vahrenholt has joined the GWPF’s Academic Advisory Council.
Professor Fritz Vahrenholt was one of the founders of the environmental movement in Germany. In the 1980s his bestsellerSeveso ist überall (Seveso is everywhere) triggered a debate which led to a fundamental reorientation of the chemical industry towards sustainable development.
Dr Vahrenholt holds a PhD in chemistry and is Honorary Professor at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Hamburg. Since 1969 he has been a member of the Social Democratic Party (SPD). From 1976 until 1997 he served in several public positions with environmental agencies such as the Federal Environment Agency, the Hessian Ministry of Environment and as Deputy Environment Minister and Senator of the City of Hamburg. He then held top management positions in the renewable energy industry.
Vahrenholt is a member of the Germany Academy of Technical Sciences and the Senate of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. His 2012 book The Neglected Sun sparked a broad public discussion in Germany about the dogmatism in climate science. He is currently the Chairman of the German Wildlife Trust.
The GWPF Academic Advisory Council is composed of scientists, economists and other experts who provide the GWPF with timely scientific, economic and policy advice. It reviews and evaluates new GWPF reports and papers, explores future research projects and makes recommendations on issues related to climate research and policy.
Die weiteren Mitglieder des GWPF-Beirats sind:
Professor David Henderson (Chairman)
Adrian Berry
Sir Samuel Brittan
Sir Ian Byatt
Professor Robert Carter
Professor Vincent Courtillot
Professor Freeman Dyson
Professor Christopher Essex
Christian Gerondeau
Dr Indur Goklany
Professor William Happer
Professor Terence Kealey
Professor Deepak Lal
Professor Richard Lindzen
Professor Ross McKitrick
Professor Robert Mendelsohn
Professor Sir Alan Peacock
Professor Ian Plimer
Professor Paul Reiter
Dr Matt Ridley
Sir Alan Rudge
Professor Nir Shaviv
Professor Philip Stott
Professor Henrik Svensmark
Professor Richard Tol
Dr David Whitehouse
Im Mai 2014 war auch der schwedische Wissenschaftler Prof. Lennart Bengtsson in den Akademischen Beirat der GWPF eingetreten, wurde jedoch in der Folge von IPCC-Anhängern in einer ungeheuerlichen Weise gemobbt, so dass er den Schritt schließlich wieder rückgängig machte (siehe unseren Blogartikel „Clima Nostra bricht Lennart Bengtsson: Ehemaliger Max-Planck-Direktor muss auf Zusammenarbeit mit klimaskeptischer Vereinigung verzichten„).
Siehe auch englischsprachiger Beitrag Leading Climate Science Critic Fritz Vahrenholt Joins GWPF…Sees “Faulty Conclusions In Science” auf Notrickszone.